Heat exchanger repair in SUREFIN provides cost effective, high quality repairs and reserves for utmost type of heat exchangers. We’ve in house specialized and manufacturing capabilities to retube, rebundle, remanufacture or replace with like and kind of any type of heat exchanger.

From creator coolers, plate heat exchangers, to shell & tube heat exchangers, SUREFIN specializes in exigency turn- around services, along with free pick- up and delivery.


Each Generator Cooler is designed and manufactured to precise forbearance allowing for them to fit impeccably in your creators.

We’ve in- house specialized and manufacturing capabilities to give cost effective, high quality repairs and reserves for utmost types of tubular heat exchangers. We specialize in quick turn- arounds to minimize your company time-out.



Surefin is also a leading custom coil manufacturing company, serving the business with superior- quality, heavy- duty custom coils and accessories for marketable, government, artificial and institutional operations as well as service installations. We’ve a 75 time birth in the assiduity, life that many other companies can match.

Industrial, Institutional and process operations frequently demand special conditions including Six Sigma. Whether your operation coil requirements are for HVAC heating and cooling, sinking, condensing, supporter or tube packets, discover the superior quality advantage of our coils.

Please visit our coil website:


Surefin is a supplier of plate & frame heat exchangers. We offer a wide range of plate heat exchanger sizes and configurations for your liquid to liquid cooling, heating, and heat recovery requirements.

Special plate heat exchanger designs are also available for handling thick products and fluids with suspended solids as well as for brume heating, vapor compacting and vaporizing duties.


Surefin provides cost effective , high quality repairs and replacements for most types of shell & tube heat exchangers. We design and build all of our Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers to ASME (Section VIII) requirements and we do all fabrication in house so you get the quality performance you expect in your application.

We can reverse engineer when drawings are not available and offer cost effective repairs and retubing on existing heat exchangers.


Surefin offers custom- design helical heat exchangers that are cost-effective, energy saving results to delicate heat transfer problems. helical heat exchangers are ideal for fouling services that fleetly dwindle thermal performance and bear frequent time-out for drawing in other types of heat exchangers. We supply helical heat exchangers to diligence worldwide ranging from chemical processing to petroleum refining to wastewater treatment.

The helical heat exchanger is ideal for operations that frequently foul or plug heat exchangers with multiple parallel inflow channels.